These answers were provided by Paula Gravelle, School Finance Coordinator of the Maine Department of Education:
1. Does Raymond have to revisit the school choice question every so many years?
Answer: No, not that Ms. Gravelle knows of unless it was written in the Consolidation Agreement to revisit it. If the Town decides to go through with the withdrawal, then the school choice option will need to be written into the future plans for the Raymond schools, even though the Town voted to keep choice a few years back. It will also need to be written into any 10 year contract with any school that Raymond negotiates with for our High School children.
2. If the Town votes to move forward with the withdrawal, can the RSU still put forward a referendum question to build a new middle school?
Answer: Yes, the RSU will move forward as a consolidated district until the final Withdrawal Agreement has been voted on and passed by the people of Raymond and approved by the Commissioner of Education.
3. Can the RSU build a new middle school for Windham students and only bill Windham for it?
Answer: Yes, but only if it was written into the original consolidation agreement that Windham will pay this cost under the local share only. If it is not State subsidized, then the cost is all over EPS (Essential Programs & Services) costs and will be split according to whatever the breakdown numbers are over EPS in the cost sharing agreement. This can only be changed under a new cost sharing formula, which has to be voted on and passed by both Windham and Raymond.
4. Does the Town of Raymond need a two-thirds vote in order to pass the final Withdrawal Agreement?
Answer: The Town does not need a 2/3rds vote to pass the withdrawal question in the end. The Legislature changed the law and it is now 50% of the voters. Step 20 now reads:
Step 20 [Effective for a municipality of a regional school unit (RSU)]: If the Commissioner finds that a majority of the voters voting on the article has voted “yes”, and the total number of votes cast for and against the article equal or exceed 50% of the total number of votes cast in the municipality for Governor at the last gubernatorial election, the Commissioner shall notify the municipal officers and the regional school unit board to take steps for the withdrawal in accordance with the terms of the agreement for withdrawal.
5. Where did the question language for withdrawal on the November 4th ballot come from?
Answer: The question language mandated by the State Department of Educaiton is prescribed under Maine Law which begins the 22 step process for withdrawal from an RSU. This information can be found under Title 20 MRSA §1466 or on the Department of Education's website.