Voter Registration is available at the Town Office during regular business hours. You can also register to vote on Election Day at the polls.

For additional information, contact:

  • Sue Carr, Deputy Registrar/Warden/Moderator/Deputy Moderator
    (207) 655-4742 ext. 122


2024 Maine Law Change

Semi-Open Primary - The law has changed pertaining to who can participate in a Primary Election in Maine. 

  • If you are enrolled in a party and that party is participating in the Primary, then you may only vote your party's ballot.
  • If you are enrolled in a party and that party is not participating in the Primary, then you may not vote in the Primary Election.
  • If you are Unenrolled (not affiliated with any party), you may stay unenrolled and choose 1 party's ballot to vote in the Primary Election.

The rules for changing party enrollment are as follows:

  • Once you have enrolled in a party you must stay in that party for 90 days.
  • If you change your party, it must be done more than 15 days prior to a Primary Election to be eligible to receive your new party's ballot.  The deadline to change your party prior to the June 11th State Primary is May 24, 2024.


2023 Maine Law Change

If any person or organized group raises or spends more than $5,000 to affect a referendum election in their town (in our case, Raymond), they will have to register as a Ballot Question Committee (BQC) and file reports on their financial activity with the Ethics Commission at    Click HERE for the guidebook.


The next election is the State Primary, Annual Town Warrant Referendum, RSU #14 Budget Validation, and Town Candidate Election on June 11, 2024, at Jordan Small Middle School gym, with the polls open from 7:00am to 8:00pm.

Deadline to request absentee ballots is 4:00pm on Thursday, June 6th.

Ballots may be returned prior to the close of polls on Election Day:

  • Via mail to 401 Webbs Mills Rd, Raymond  ME  04071 
  • In person at the Town Office during normal business hours (Tues 8:30am to 7pm, Wed-Fri 8:30am to 4pm)
  • In the Drop-Box attached to the walkway going into the Town Office available 24x7
  • Ballots may be returned to the polls on Election Day, June 11th

Absentee Ballot Request

Annual Town Meeting Warrant

Annual Town Meeting Supplemental Warrant

Annual Town Meeting Warrant Addendum

RSU #14 Budget Validation Warrant

RSU #14 Cost Center Summary

State Primary Ballot Access Poster

State Primary Declared Write-In Candidates


Municipal - all Raymond residents who are registered voters can vote on the municipal ballots.  Voter Registration is available in person at the Town Office or at the polls on Election Day.  

Town of Raymond Annual Town Meeting Referendum Sample Ballot 

Town of Raymond Municipal Candidate Election Sample Ballot

RSU #14 School Budget Validation Sample Ballot

State Primary - Only voters who are enrolled in the parties that are participating in the Primary, or those who are Unenrolled, may participate in that party's primary. Voters who want to participate in the State Primary can change their party status up to 15 days before Election Day, or May 24th, 2024. State Primary Ballot Access Poster explains in detail which State Primary ballot a voter is eligible to receive based on party enrollment.

Democratic Sample Ballot

Green Independent Sample Ballot

Republican Sample Ballot


Other postings and notices:

Notice of Election

Notice of Intent to Process Absentee Ballots Prior to Election Day

The polls will be open from 7am to 8pm at the Jordan-Small Middle School gym.


To see a list of State candidates and to see a list of your current elected officials click HERE.


For information regarding Ranked Choice Voting which will be used for any State offices with 3 or more candidates click HERE.


For past election results, visit HERE.


Election Statistics